const { v4: uuid } = require('uuid') const ObjectId = require('mongodb').ObjectID const { getDB } = require('../../utils/mongo') const { _idToId, checkDB, _idToIdArray, filterId } = require('./utils') let db = null const USERS_COLL = 'ep_users' const PROJECTS_COLL = 'ep_all_projects' const PROJECT_TASKS_COLL = 'ep_projects_tasks' const PROJECT_MEMBERS_COLL = 'ep_projects_members' const PROJECT_STATUSES_COLL = 'ep_projects_statuses' const PROJECT_TYPES_COLL = 'ep_projects_types' const connect = async () => { db = await getDB('easy-project') if (db === null) throw new Error('Нет подключения к базе данных') } connect() const hashPassword = (password, salt = uuid(), salt2 = uuid(), salt3 = uuid()) => ({ password: (password.split('').join(salt) + salt2 + password.split('').join(salt3)).split('-').reverse().join('-'), salt, salt2, salt3, }) const registrationUser = async ({ email, login, password, }) => { checkDB(db) const usersCollection = db.collection(USERS_COLL) const userExist = await usersCollection.find({ $or: [{ login, }, { email, }], }).toArray() if (userExist.length) { if (userExist[0].login === login) { throw new Error('Логин уже занят') } if (userExist[0].email === email) { throw new Error('Email уже занят') } } const { password: hash, salt, salt2, salt3 } = hashPassword(password) const user = { salt, salt2, salt3, hash, login, email,, } const { insertedId } = await usersCollection.insertOne(user) = insertedId } const signInUser = async ({ email, password }) => { checkDB(db) const usersCollection = db.collection(USERS_COLL) const [userCandidate] = await usersCollection.find({ email, }).toArray() if (!userCandidate) { throw new Error('Email или пароль не корректный') } const { salt, salt2, salt3, hash, ...cleanUser } = userCandidate const { password: hashFromDb } = hashPassword(password, salt, salt2, salt3) if (hash !== hashFromDb) { throw new Error('Email или пароль не корректный') } return cleanUser } const getMyProjects = async (userId) => { checkDB(db) const userFilterById = filterId(userId) const projectCollection = db.collection(PROJECTS_COLL) const usersCollection = db.collection(USERS_COLL) let projectList = await projectCollection.find({ $or: [{ userId, }, { members: { $in: [userId], }, }], }).toArray() if (projectList) { const [userAuthor] = await usersCollection.find(userFilterById).toArray() for (let index = 0; index < projectList.length; index++) { projectList[index].author = userAuthor projectList[index] = _idToId(projectList[index]) } return projectList } return [] } const deleteProjectById = async (projectId) => { checkDB(db) const projectCollection = db.collection(PROJECTS_COLL) const projectFilterById = filterId(projectId) const deleted = await projectCollection.deleteOne(projectFilterById) return deleted } const getMyProjectById = async (userId, projectId) => { checkDB(db) const projectCollection = db.collection(PROJECTS_COLL) const usersCollection = db.collection(USERS_COLL) const userFilterById = filterId(userId) const [userAuthor] = await usersCollection.find(userFilterById).toArray() const projectFilter = filterId(projectId) let [projectMyExist] = await projectCollection.find(projectFilter).toArray() const members = await usersCollection.find({ _id: { $in: => new ObjectId(memberId)), }, }).toArray() projectMyExist.members = => ({ value: m._id, label:, })) = userAuthor projectMyExist = _idToId(projectMyExist) return projectMyExist } const newProject = async ({ title, code, userId, members, }) => { checkDB(db) if (!title || !code) { throw new Error('Fields can\'t be empty') } const projectCollection = db.collection(PROJECTS_COLL) const project = { title, code, userId, created:, changed:, changedBy: userId, taskIndex: 0, members, } await projectCollection.insertOne(project) return _idToId(project) } const updateProject = async ({ projectId, title, code, members }) => { checkDB(db) if (!title || !code) { throw new Error('Fields can\'t be empty') } const projectCollection = db.collection(PROJECTS_COLL) const projectFilterById = filterId(projectId) const updatedProject = await projectCollection.updateOne(projectFilterById, { $set: { title, code, changed:, members, }, }) return updatedProject } // TODO: Совмещение projectId с userId ИЛИ поиск по memberIds const getProjectById = async ({ projectId }) => { checkDB(db) const projectFilterById = filterId(projectId) const projectCollection = db.collection(PROJECTS_COLL) const [projectExist] = await projectCollection.find(projectFilterById).toArray() return projectExist } const getTaskById = async ({ taskId, userId }) => { checkDB(db) if (taskId) { const userFilterById = filterId(userId) const taskFilterById = filterId(taskId) const taskCollection = db.collection(PROJECT_TASKS_COLL) const usersCollection = db.collection(USERS_COLL) let [taskExist] = await taskCollection.find(taskFilterById).toArray() if (taskExist) { const [userAuthor] = await usersCollection.find(userFilterById).toArray() = userAuthor return _idToId(taskExist) } } return { } } const createTask = async ({ taskData, authorId, projectId }) => { checkDB(db) const projectCollection = db.collection(PROJECTS_COLL) const projectFilterById = filterId(projectId) const [projectExist] = await projectCollection.find(projectFilterById).toArray() if (!projectExist) { throw new Error('The project not exists [createTask]') } const nextIndex = projectExist.taskIndex + 1 const taskCollection = db.collection(PROJECT_TASKS_COLL) const { type, status, ...taskRest } = taskData const task = { ...taskRest, type: Number(type), status: Number(status), changed:, created:, taskIndex: nextIndex, authorId, projectId, } await projectCollection.updateOne(projectFilterById, { $set: { taskIndex: nextIndex, projectChanged:, }, }) await taskCollection.insertOne(task) return _idToId(task) } const getTaskListByProjectId = async ({ projectId }) => { checkDB(db) const projectFilterById = filterId(projectId) const projectCollection = db.collection(PROJECTS_COLL) const [projectExist] = await projectCollection.find(projectId).toArray() if (!projectExist) { throw new Error('The project not exists [getTaskListByProjectId]') } const taskCollection = db.collection(PROJECT_TASKS_COLL) let taskListCandidate = await taskCollection.find({ projectId, }).toArray() // if (taskListCandidate.length > 0) { // for (let index = 0; index < taskListCandidate.length; index++) { // // const [userAuthor] = await usersCollection.find(userFilterById).toArray() // // taskListCandidate[index].author = userAuthor // projectExist[index] = _idToId(projectExist[index]) // } // } taskListCandidate = _idToIdArray(taskListCandidate) return taskListCandidate } const editTask = async ({ taskData, projectId, authorId, taskId }) => { checkDB(db) const taskCollection = db.collection(PROJECT_TASKS_COLL) const projectCollection = db.collection(PROJECTS_COLL) const taskFilterById = filterId(taskId) const projectFilterById = filterId(projectId) const { type, status, ...taskRest } = taskData const updatedTask = await taskCollection.updateOne(taskFilterById, { $set: { type: Number(type), status: Number(status), ...taskRest, }, }) await projectCollection.updateOne(projectFilterById, { $set: { projectChanged:, }, }) return updatedTask } const deleteTaskById = async (taskId) => { checkDB(db) const taskCollection = db.collection(PROJECT_TASKS_COLL) const taskFilterById = filterId(taskId) const deleted = await taskCollection.deleteOne(taskFilterById) return deleted } const getAllUsers = async () => { checkDB(db) const usersCollection = db.collection(USERS_COLL) let allUsers = await usersCollection.find().toArray() return _idToIdArray(allUsers) } // const getProjectMember = async () => { // checkDB(db) // const usersCollection = db.collection(USERS_COLL) // let allUsers = await usersCollection.find().toArray() // return _idToIdArray(allUsers) // } const updateProjectMembers = async (projectData, members) => { checkDB(db) const memberCollection = db.collection(PROJECT_MEMBERS_COLL) await memberCollection.deleteMany({ projectId:, }) const membersAdd = [] for (let memberIndex = 0; memberIndex < members.length; memberIndex++) { const member = { projectId:, memberId: members[memberIndex].value, } membersAdd.push(member) } const { insertedData } = await memberCollection.insertMany(membersAdd) return insertedData } module.exports = { connect, registrationUser, signInUser, getMyProjects, deleteProjectById, newProject, createTask, editTask, deleteTaskById, getTaskListByProjectId, getProjectById, getMyProjectById, getTaskById, updateProject, getAllUsers, updateProjectMembers, }