"use strict"; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!__hasOwnProp.call(to, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); // src/index.ts var index_exports = {}; __export(index_exports, { createGigachat: () => createGigachat, gigachat: () => gigachat }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(index_exports); // src/gigachat-provider.ts var import_provider_utils4 = require("@ai-sdk/provider-utils"); // src/gigachat-chat-language-model.ts var import_provider_utils2 = require("@ai-sdk/provider-utils"); var import_zod2 = require("zod"); // src/convert-to-gigachat-chat-messages.ts var import_provider = require("@ai-sdk/provider"); function convertToGigachatChatMessages(prompt) { const messages = []; for (let i = 0; i < prompt.length; i++) { const { role, content } = prompt[i]; const isLastMessage = i === prompt.length - 1; switch (role) { case "system": { messages.push({ role: "system", content }); break; } case "user": { messages.push({ role: "user", content: content.map((part) => { switch (part.type) { case "text": { return part.text; } case "image": { throw new import_provider.UnsupportedFunctionalityError({ functionality: 'Images should be added in "attachments" object' }); } case "file": { throw new import_provider.UnsupportedFunctionalityError({ functionality: "File content parts in user messages" }); } } }).join("") }); break; } case "assistant": { let text = ""; let functionCall; for (const part of content) { switch (part.type) { case "text": { text += part.text; break; } case "tool-call": { functionCall = { name: part.toolName, arguments: part.args }; break; } default: { const _exhaustiveCheck = part; throw new Error(`Unsupported part: ${_exhaustiveCheck}`); } } } messages.push({ role: "assistant", content: text, prefix: isLastMessage ? true : void 0, function_call: functionCall }); break; } case "tool": { for (const toolResponse of content) { messages.push({ role: "function", name: toolResponse.toolName, content: JSON.stringify(toolResponse.result) }); } break; } default: { const _exhaustiveCheck = role; throw new Error(`Unsupported role: ${_exhaustiveCheck}`); } } } return messages; } // src/map-gigachat-finish-reason.ts function mapGigachatFinishReason(finishReason) { switch (finishReason) { case "stop": return "stop"; case "length": case "model_length": return "length"; case "function_call": return "tool-calls"; case "error": return "error"; default: return "unknown"; } } // src/gigachat-error.ts var import_provider_utils = require("@ai-sdk/provider-utils"); var import_zod = require("zod"); var gigachatErrorDataSchema = import_zod.z.object({ object: import_zod.z.literal("error"), message: import_zod.z.string(), type: import_zod.z.string(), param: import_zod.z.string().nullable(), code: import_zod.z.string().nullable() }); var gigachatFailedResponseHandler = (0, import_provider_utils.createJsonErrorResponseHandler)({ errorSchema: gigachatErrorDataSchema, errorToMessage: (data) => data.message }); // src/get-response-metadata.ts function getResponseMetadata({ model, created }) { return { modelId: model != null ? model : void 0, timestamp: created != null ? new Date(created * 1e3) : void 0 }; } // src/gigachat-prepare-tools.ts var import_provider2 = require("@ai-sdk/provider"); function prepareTools(mode) { var _a; const tools = ((_a = mode.tools) == null ? void 0 : _a.length) ? mode.tools : void 0; const toolWarnings = []; if (tools == null) { return { tools: void 0, tool_choice: void 0, toolWarnings }; } const gigachatTools = []; for (const tool of tools) { if (tool.type === "provider-defined") { toolWarnings.push({ type: "unsupported-tool", tool }); } else { gigachatTools.push({ type: "function", function: { name: tool.name, description: tool.description, parameters: tool.parameters } }); } } const toolChoice = mode.toolChoice; if (toolChoice == null) { return { tools: gigachatTools, tool_choice: void 0, toolWarnings }; } const type = toolChoice.type; switch (type) { case "auto": case "none": return { tools: gigachatTools, tool_choice: type, toolWarnings }; case "required": return { tools: gigachatTools, tool_choice: "any", toolWarnings }; // gigachat does not support tool mode directly, // so we filter the tools and force the tool choice through 'any' case "tool": return { tools: gigachatTools.filter((tool) => tool.function.name === toolChoice.toolName), tool_choice: "any", toolWarnings }; default: { const _exhaustiveCheck = type; throw new import_provider2.UnsupportedFunctionalityError({ functionality: `Unsupported tool choice type: ${_exhaustiveCheck}` }); } } } // src/gigachat-chat-language-model.ts var GigachatChatLanguageModel = class { constructor(modelId, settings, config) { this.specificationVersion = "v1"; this.defaultObjectGenerationMode = "json"; this.supportsImageUrls = false; this.modelId = modelId; this.settings = settings; this.config = config; } get provider() { return this.config.provider; } getArgs({ mode, prompt, maxTokens, temperature, topP, topK, frequencyPenalty, presencePenalty, stopSequences, responseFormat, seed }) { const type = mode.type; const warnings = []; if (topK != null) { warnings.push({ type: "unsupported-setting", setting: "topK" }); } if (frequencyPenalty != null) { warnings.push({ type: "unsupported-setting", setting: "frequencyPenalty" }); } if (presencePenalty != null) { warnings.push({ type: "unsupported-setting", setting: "presencePenalty" }); } if (stopSequences != null) { warnings.push({ type: "unsupported-setting", setting: "stopSequences" }); } if (responseFormat != null && responseFormat.type === "json" && responseFormat.schema != null) { warnings.push({ type: "unsupported-setting", setting: "responseFormat", details: "JSON response format schema is not supported" }); } const baseArgs = { // model id: model: this.modelId, // model specific settings: stream: this.settings.stream, repetition_penalty: this.settings.repetition_penalty, update_interval: this.settings.update_interval, // standardized settings: max_tokens: maxTokens, temperature, top_p: topP, // response format: response_format: (responseFormat == null ? void 0 : responseFormat.type) === "json" ? { type: "json_object" } : void 0, // messages: messages: convertToGigachatChatMessages(prompt) }; switch (type) { case "regular": { const { tools, tool_choice, toolWarnings } = prepareTools(mode); return { args: { ...baseArgs, tools, tool_choice }, warnings: [...warnings, ...toolWarnings] }; } case "object-json": { return { args: { ...baseArgs, response_format: { type: "json_object" } }, warnings }; } case "object-tool": { return { args: { ...baseArgs, tool_choice: "any", tools: [{ type: "function", function: mode.tool }] }, warnings }; } default: { const _exhaustiveCheck = type; throw new Error(`Unsupported type: ${_exhaustiveCheck}`); } } } async doGenerate(options) { var _a; const { args, warnings } = this.getArgs(options); const { responseHeaders, value: response } = await (0, import_provider_utils2.postJsonToApi)({ url: `${this.config.baseURL}/chat/completions`, headers: (0, import_provider_utils2.combineHeaders)(this.config.headers(), options.headers), body: args, failedResponseHandler: gigachatFailedResponseHandler, successfulResponseHandler: (0, import_provider_utils2.createJsonResponseHandler)(gigachatChatResponseSchema), abortSignal: options.abortSignal, fetch: this.config.fetch }); const { messages: rawPrompt, ...rawSettings } = args; const choice = response.choices[0]; let text = (_a = choice.message.content) != null ? _a : void 0; const lastMessage = rawPrompt[rawPrompt.length - 1]; if (lastMessage.role === "assistant" && (text == null ? void 0 : text.startsWith(lastMessage.content))) { text = text.slice(lastMessage.content.length); } return { text, toolCalls: choice.message.function_call ? [ { toolCallType: "function", toolCallId: choice.message.function_call.name, toolName: choice.message.function_call.name, args: JSON.stringify(choice.message.function_call.arguments) } ] : [], finishReason: mapGigachatFinishReason(choice.finish_reason), usage: { promptTokens: response.usage.prompt_tokens, completionTokens: response.usage.completion_tokens }, rawCall: { rawPrompt, rawSettings }, rawResponse: { headers: responseHeaders }, request: { body: JSON.stringify(args) }, response: getResponseMetadata(response), warnings }; } async doStream(options) { const { args, warnings } = this.getArgs(options); const body = { ...args, stream: true }; const { responseHeaders, value: response } = await (0, import_provider_utils2.postJsonToApi)({ url: `${this.config.baseURL}/chat/completions`, headers: (0, import_provider_utils2.combineHeaders)(this.config.headers(), options.headers), body, failedResponseHandler: gigachatFailedResponseHandler, successfulResponseHandler: (0, import_provider_utils2.createEventSourceResponseHandler)(gigachatChatChunkSchema), abortSignal: options.abortSignal, fetch: this.config.fetch }); const { messages: rawPrompt, ...rawSettings } = args; let finishReason = "unknown"; let usage = { promptTokens: Number.NaN, completionTokens: Number.NaN }; let chunkNumber = 0; let trimLeadingSpace = false; return { stream: response.pipeThrough( new TransformStream({ transform(chunk, controller) { if (!chunk.success) { controller.enqueue({ type: "error", error: chunk.error }); return; } chunkNumber++; const value = chunk.value; if (chunkNumber === 1) { controller.enqueue({ type: "response-metadata", ...getResponseMetadata(value) }); } if (value.usage != null) { usage = { promptTokens: value.usage.prompt_tokens, completionTokens: value.usage.completion_tokens }; } const choice = value.choices[0]; if ((choice == null ? void 0 : choice.finish_reason) != null) { finishReason = mapGigachatFinishReason(choice.finish_reason); } if ((choice == null ? void 0 : choice.delta) == null) { return; } const delta = choice.delta; if (chunkNumber <= 2) { const lastMessage = rawPrompt[rawPrompt.length - 1]; if (lastMessage.role === "assistant" && delta.content === lastMessage.content.trimEnd()) { if (delta.content.length < lastMessage.content.length) { trimLeadingSpace = true; } return; } } if (delta.content != null) { controller.enqueue({ type: "text-delta", textDelta: trimLeadingSpace ? delta.content.trimStart() : delta.content }); trimLeadingSpace = false; } if (delta.function_call != null) { controller.enqueue({ type: "tool-call-delta", toolCallType: "function", toolCallId: delta.function_call.name, toolName: delta.function_call.name, argsTextDelta: JSON.stringify(delta.function_call.arguments) }); controller.enqueue({ type: "tool-call", toolCallType: "function", toolCallId: delta.function_call.name, toolName: delta.function_call.name, args: JSON.stringify(delta.function_call.arguments) }); } }, flush(controller) { controller.enqueue({ type: "finish", finishReason, usage }); } }) ), rawCall: { rawPrompt, rawSettings }, rawResponse: { headers: responseHeaders }, request: { body: JSON.stringify(body) }, warnings }; } }; var gigachatChatResponseSchema = import_zod2.z.object({ created: import_zod2.z.number().nullish(), model: import_zod2.z.string().nullish(), choices: import_zod2.z.array( import_zod2.z.object({ message: import_zod2.z.object({ role: import_zod2.z.literal("assistant"), content: import_zod2.z.string().nullable(), created: import_zod2.z.number().nullish(), name: import_zod2.z.string().nullish(), function_call: import_zod2.z.object({ name: import_zod2.z.string(), arguments: import_zod2.z.record(import_zod2.z.any()) }).nullish(), data_for_context: import_zod2.z.array(import_zod2.z.object({})).nullish() }), index: import_zod2.z.number(), finish_reason: import_zod2.z.string().nullish() }) ), object: import_zod2.z.literal("chat.completion"), usage: import_zod2.z.object({ prompt_tokens: import_zod2.z.number(), completion_tokens: import_zod2.z.number(), total_tokens: import_zod2.z.number() }) }); var gigachatChatChunkSchema = import_zod2.z.object({ created: import_zod2.z.number().nullish(), model: import_zod2.z.string().nullish(), object: import_zod2.z.literal("chat.completion"), choices: import_zod2.z.array( import_zod2.z.object({ delta: import_zod2.z.object({ role: import_zod2.z.enum(["assistant"]).optional(), content: import_zod2.z.string().nullish(), functions_state_id: import_zod2.z.string().nullish(), function_call: import_zod2.z.object({ name: import_zod2.z.string(), arguments: import_zod2.z.object({}) }).nullish() }), finish_reason: import_zod2.z.string().nullish(), index: import_zod2.z.number() }) ), usage: import_zod2.z.object({ prompt_tokens: import_zod2.z.number(), completion_tokens: import_zod2.z.number() }).nullish() }); // src/gigachat-embedding-model.ts var import_provider3 = require("@ai-sdk/provider"); var import_provider_utils3 = require("@ai-sdk/provider-utils"); var import_zod3 = require("zod"); var GigachatEmbeddingModel = class { constructor(modelId, settings, config) { this.specificationVersion = "v1"; this.modelId = modelId; this.settings = settings; this.config = config; } get provider() { return this.config.provider; } get maxEmbeddingsPerCall() { var _a; return (_a = this.settings.maxEmbeddingsPerCall) != null ? _a : 32; } get supportsParallelCalls() { var _a; return (_a = this.settings.supportsParallelCalls) != null ? _a : false; } async doEmbed({ values, abortSignal, headers }) { if (values.length > this.maxEmbeddingsPerCall) { throw new import_provider3.TooManyEmbeddingValuesForCallError({ provider: this.provider, modelId: this.modelId, maxEmbeddingsPerCall: this.maxEmbeddingsPerCall, values }); } const { responseHeaders, value: response } = await (0, import_provider_utils3.postJsonToApi)({ url: `${this.config.baseURL}/embeddings`, headers: (0, import_provider_utils3.combineHeaders)(this.config.headers(), headers), body: { model: this.modelId, input: values, encoding_format: "float" }, failedResponseHandler: gigachatFailedResponseHandler, successfulResponseHandler: (0, import_provider_utils3.createJsonResponseHandler)(GigachatTextEmbeddingResponseSchema), abortSignal, fetch: this.config.fetch }); return { embeddings: response.data.map((item) => item.embedding), usage: response.usage ? { tokens: response.usage.prompt_tokens } : void 0, rawResponse: { headers: responseHeaders } }; } }; var GigachatTextEmbeddingResponseSchema = import_zod3.z.object({ data: import_zod3.z.array(import_zod3.z.object({ embedding: import_zod3.z.array(import_zod3.z.number()) })), usage: import_zod3.z.object({ prompt_tokens: import_zod3.z.number() }).nullish() }); // src/gigachat-provider.ts function createGigachat(options = {}) { var _a; const baseURL = (_a = (0, import_provider_utils4.withoutTrailingSlash)(options.baseURL)) != null ? _a : "https://gigachat.devices.sberbank.ru/api/v1"; const getAccessToken = () => ({}); const getHeaders = () => ({ Authorization: `Bearer ${(0, import_provider_utils4.loadApiKey)({ apiKey: options.apiKey, environmentVariableName: "GIGACHAT_ACCESS_TOKEN", description: "GigaChat" })}`, ...options.headers }); const createChatModel = (modelId, settings = {}) => new GigachatChatLanguageModel(modelId, settings, { provider: "gigachat.chat", baseURL, headers: getHeaders, fetch: options.fetch }); const createEmbeddingModel = (modelId, settings = {}) => new GigachatEmbeddingModel(modelId, settings, { provider: "gigachat.embedding", baseURL, headers: getHeaders, fetch: options.fetch }); const provider = function(modelId, settings) { if (new.target) { throw new Error("Gigachat function cannot be called with the new keyword."); } return createChatModel(modelId, settings); }; provider.languageModel = createChatModel; provider.chat = createChatModel; provider.embedding = createEmbeddingModel; provider.textEmbedding = createEmbeddingModel; provider.textEmbeddingModel = createEmbeddingModel; return provider; } var gigachat = createGigachat(); // Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node: module.exports = { createGigachat, gigachat }