const ObjectId = require('mongodb').ObjectId; const getHash = require('pbkdf2-password')(); const { getDB } = require('../../utils/mongo'); const USERS_COLLECTION = 'users'; const RECIPES_COLLECTION = 'recipes_collection'; const FAVORITES_USER = 'favorites_user' let db =null; const connect = async () => { db = await getDB('edateam'); }; const init = async () => { await connect(); }; init(); const _idToId = (data) => { const { _id, } = data; return { id: _id, }; } const _idToArray = (data) => { const _idToMap = => _idToId(item)); return _idToMap; } const getResponse = (error, data, success = true) => { if (error) { return { success: false, error, } } return { success, data, } } const signUp = async ({ email, login, password }) => { try { db = await getDB('edateam'); const userCollection = db.collection(USERS_COLLECTION); const userData = await userCollection.findOne({ $or: [ { login }, { email } ] }) if (userData?.login === login) { throw new Error('This login already in db!\nPlease come up with another login!'); } if (userData?.email === email) { throw new Error('This email already in db!\nPlease come up with another email!'); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { getHash({ password }, async (err, pass, salt, hash) => { if (err) { return reject(err); } const insertedCount = await userCollection.insertOne({ email, login, password: hash, salt }); if (!insertedCount) { return reject(new Error('Insert error!')); } resolve({}); }); }); } catch (error) { console.error(error); throw error; } }; const getUser = async ({ email }) => { if (db === null) { throw new Error('no db connection :(('); } try { const userCollection = db.collection(USERS_COLLECTION); const userData = await userCollection.findOne({ email }); if (userData) { return userData; } throw new Error('Wrong email or password!'); } catch (error) { throw new Error(error); } } const getListRecipes = async () => { try { db = await getDB('edateam'); const recipesCollection = db.collection(RECIPES_COLLECTION); const recipesData = await recipesCollection.find().toArray(); if (recipesData.length > 0) { return _idToArray(recipesData); } else { throw new Error('No recipes found in the database!'); } } catch (error) { console.error('Error in getListRecipes:', error.message); throw new Error(error.message); } }; const getRecipe = async (dishId ) => { try { db = await getDB('edateam'); const recipesCollection = db.collection(RECIPES_COLLECTION); const id =; const recipeData = await recipesCollection.findOne({ _id :new ObjectId(id) } ); if (recipeData!=null) { return _idToId(recipeData); } throw new Error('Not found recipe'); } catch (error) { throw new Error(error); } } const addRecipe = async (recipe) => { try { db = await getDB('edateam'); const recipesCollection = db.collection(RECIPES_COLLECTION); const result = await recipesCollection.insertOne(recipe); if (!result.insertedId) { throw new Error('Recipe insertion failed'); } return { success: true, id: result.insertedId }; } catch (error) { console.error('Error in addRecipe:', error.message); throw new Error(error.message); } }; const requiredFields = (fields) => (req, res, next) => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax for (const fieldName of fields) { if (!req.body[fieldName]) { throw new Error(`Параметр ${fieldName} не установлен`) } } next() } const addFavorite = async (userId, recipeId) => { try { db = await getDB('edateam'); const favoritesCollection = db.collection(FAVORITES_USER); const result = await favoritesCollection.updateOne( { userId: new ObjectId(userId) }, { $addToSet: { favorites: new ObjectId(recipeId) } }, { upsert: true } ); return result; } catch (error) { throw new Error('Error adding favorite: ' + error.message); } }; const getFavorites = async (userId) => { try { db = await getDB('edateam'); const favoritesCollection = db.collection(FAVORITES_USER); const userFavorites = await favoritesCollection.findOne({ userId: new ObjectId(userId) }); if (!userFavorites || !userFavorites.favorites || userFavorites.favorites.length === 0) { return []; } const recipesCollection = db.collection(RECIPES_COLLECTION); const favoriteRecipes = await recipesCollection.find({ _id: { $in: userFavorites.favorites } }).toArray(); return favoriteRecipes; } catch (error) { console.error(error); throw new Error("Failed to get user favorites with recipes"); } }; module.exports = { getUser, signUp, getResponse, _idToId, _idToArray, getListRecipes, getRecipe, addRecipe, requiredFields, getFavorites, addFavorite };