/* * YMMYandexMetricaPreloadInfo.h * * This file is a part of the AppMetrica * * Version for iOS © 2017 YANDEX * * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at http://legal.yandex.com/metrica_termsofuse/ */ #import NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN @interface YMMYandexMetricaPreloadInfo : NSObject - (instancetype)init __attribute__((unavailable("initWithTrackingIdentifier: must be used instead."))); /** Initialize Preload info with specific publisher and tracking identifiers. If case of invalid identifiers constructor returns nil in release and raises an exception in debug @param trackingID Tracking identifier */ - (nullable instancetype)initWithTrackingIdentifier:(NSString *)trackingID; /** Setting key - value data to be used as additional information, associated with preload info. @param info Additional preload info. @param key Additional preload key. */ - (void)setAdditionalInfo:(NSString *)info forKey:(NSString *)key; @end NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END