# react-native-appmetrica-next React Native bridge to the [AppMetrica](https://appmetrica.yandex.com/) on both iOS and Android. react-native-push-next library functionality is expanded [react-native-appmetrica](https://github.com/yandexmobile/react-native-appmetrica) ## Installation `npm install react-native-appmetrica-next --save` or `yearn add react-native-appmetrica-next` ## Usage ```js import AppMetrica from "react-native-appmetrica-next"; // Starts the statistics collection process. AppMetrica.activate({ apiKey: "...KEY...", sessionTimeout: 120, firstActivationAsUpdate: true, }); // Sends a custom event message and additional parameters (optional). AppMetrica.reportEvent("My event"); AppMetrica.reportEvent("My event", { foo: "bar" }); // Send a custom error event. AppMetrica.reportError("My error"); // reportUserProfile AppMetrica.activate({ apiKey: "...KEY...", sessionTimeout: 120, firstActivationAsUpdate: true, }); RNAppMetrica.setUserProfileID('id'); RNAppMetrica.reportUserProfile({ name: 'Andrey Bondarenko', floor: 'male', age: 34, isNotification: true, }); // init Push SDK example for iOS checkPermission = async () => { const authorizationStatus = await messaging().requestPermission(); if (authorizationStatus === messaging.AuthorizationStatus.AUTHORIZED) { const deviceToken = await messaging().getToken(); RNAppMetrica.initPush(deviceToken); -> // for iOS // or RNAppMetrica.initPush(); -> // for Android ```